One of the most exciting parts of working with clients is witnessing “Holy Handiwork.” As a counselor I get to witness God’s working in people’s lives and I also am blessed in that client’s in turn often are my teachers and messengers. Some time ago a client came and shared that in several areas of his life he felt stuck, frustrated and out of options. One area in particular was his job. The client explained the various ways he had tried to pursue improvement for himself while becoming a more valuable asset to the company. This process and his attempts to advance had been ongoing for several years. More recently he questioned and opened up conversations with supervisors and their bosses to try and understand why the opportunities he longs for and feels qualified for have not been presented. The client described that the response from those he had spoken to has turned out to be nothing more than “rhetoric”.
During a session this week the client described that he had decided to make himself a parachute. The parachute image represented his decision to change direction and create for himself a safety plan. Instead of trying to pursue advancement in the company he had decided to return to school to first attain an Associate’s Degree and then on to his Bachelor’s Degree. With this degree added to his significant manufacturing experience new opportunities are on his horizon. What the client shared next was a great lesson for me and I hope you can find meaning for it in your life as well.

He took out his phone and pulled up a message he had been holding onto as it had inspired him to rethink his actions. He read, “If God shuts a door. Stop knocking. What is on the other side of the door is not in your best interest, not in your highest good.” I immediately thought of the gospels of Luke and Matthew where each encourages us….
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
The insight from this client’s message — that if we let go (stop knocking on what we think is for us) and let God guide us to the door…we will land on the threshold of what best serves our needs and brings us to who we were created to be – has proved to me that scripture is alive with richer perspectives and deeper meanings.
Thank you God for continuing to open the doors, that lead me closer to You!