“Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.” ~ Unknown
A seasoned counselor once shared, When what you have been called to do, matches up with what you have been trained to do, and what you love to do this is the definition of being blessed. It is from this place of feeling blessed that we celebrate the successes of our clients.
I recently changed jobs, which involved a move back home, two hours away from my boyfriend and the home we had been sharing, a pay cut, and 3 months without insurance. With all the stressful changes, I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it through without the support of my counselor. When the offer was made to tithe sessions for me until my new insurance kicked in, it was definitely an answered prayer. I will forever be grateful to CCM and to donors who allowed me to continue my sessions through a very difficult time in my life. Thank you!
Haley, Wisconsin
I thank God for CCM Counseling & Wellness. Marcia and Kim both helped me identify hidden pain from my childhood that was affecting my ability to be emotionally healthy with my wife, children, and work relationships. The healing was organic and real. It’s not work. It’s liberating. I have become more aware of myself in the process. I am able to validate my true needs and identity which has impowered me to become a more whole person. I now recommend to everyone to seek counseling from experienced counselors that can relate to your pain and have the skill needed to help you plot out a road map to healing and wholeness. ***** to CCM!!!
Working with two counselors, I felt at least one of them could always relate with my perspective. I was able to more readily share my feelings and our sessions quickly helped my wife and I strengthen our relationship.
Bill and Sue, Hortonville

My son has finally received the help he desperately needed at CCM. He has started to develop mentally, emotionally, and physically since the RAD treatment. CCM also gave me the support and guidance I needed throughout the process. I am blessed and grateful for the help CCM gave my family.
Beth, Arcadia
I would like to thank all of you for helping me, in my greater time of need. You have blessed me far beyond what worldly level I could express. I continue with my spiritual journey, and I am so very thankful for all of you, and what you do each day. You have touched my heart.
Melissa, Green Bay, WI
CCM first impacted my life when I began a business with a friend of mine. In the first years of starting a business with someone, it is similar to the struggles of a new marriage. You have to learn to accept the strengths and weaknesses of the other person. CCM Counseling & Wellness helped us work through proper communication techniques, as well as personal issues that helped our business thrive. Without the proper conflict resolution techniques introduced to us, we truly never would have made it. We are still here 20 years later.
A few years later, CCM was there again to help me work through concerns that I had while engaged to be married. Through their guidance, great strides were made in our relationship, which set a wonderful framework. We are still together 15 years later. I am so thankful that we did not wait until we had enormous issues to resolve. CCM’s help while the problems were very manageable was a true blessing in our marriage.
Now 12 years later, I have brought my pre-teen to one of the counselors to help her work through some self-image concerns that were surfacing. When our talks with her, as parents, didn’t seem to help her much, I wanted to get professional help before her issues snowballed into bigger problems. It has been tremendous for the whole family to see her enjoy school and friends again with much less drama and difficulties. CCM has been such a positive influence in our lives.