Outreach Counseling Program

Outreach Counseling Program

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” ~ S. Manaboli

Our Program

CCM Counseling & Wellness has been serving the mental health and wellness needs of the people of this area for more than four decades. CCM has had a tradition of building a stronger community by empowering people through counseling, education and creating opportunities where people can embrace a life of wholeness. It has been a part of our mission to reach out to people who might not otherwise have access to the support and healing that counseling can provide. Our Outreach Counseling Program was established years ago to connect “no and low income” individuals with quality mental health care for no out-of-pocket fee.

Free Counseling & Coaching Support:

CCM Counseling & Wellness has partnered with Reawaken Life Coaching and Counseling in order to be able to give back to the community in the form of free mental health support and coaching.

Early on in Vue’s life she felt connected to helping other people. She went to college
and received her Bachelor’s Degree in social work from UWGB. Shortly after starting
her first professional job, Vue was diagnosed with kidney failure. As Vue took steps
to support her health she also decided to pursue her Master’s Degree in Community
Counseling which she did through UW Oshkosh. Two years into her graduate
program Vue received a kidney transplant. A year later she graduated from Oshkosh
and for the past 23 years she has been living what she calls “her second chance.”

Since 2003, Vue has been working in professional fields, both non-profit and
corporate, where she helped people from diverse backgrounds with disabilities,
chronic health conditions, mental health and alcohol and drug abuse concerns to
improve their quality of life.

Vue truly believes that difficult situations can get better with the right support and
guidance. That is why she has joined with CCM Counseling & Wellness to provide
qualifying clients with mental health support and life coaching with no out-of-pocket
fees for you the client.

Therapist Vue
sign in nature

This is your time!
Call CCM Counseling & Wellness 920-498-3383 to see if you
qualify for the Outreach Program.